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...discipline is a habit of taking consistent action,
until one can perform with
...unconscious competence


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The King Is Dead, Long Live The King...

The king is Dead !
mountaineering tool, the KTM 525EXC, is on-sale.  
Possibly at the time you are reading these lines, it has been already sold! 


The void in the trailer, and my hands, filled with a new razor sharp tool, which I hope  will stand to the expectations for raw power, flexibility in closed dirty tracks, and explosive acceleration and speed in open straight flats.

Welcome the King!

Possibly the best motocross production-bike that money can buy today…

Honda CRF 450R

Around 50HP horsepower, 100kb weight w/o gasoline, and a kick starter… not look around for any frills like electric starter, headlights or even number plate; you will not find any.

Enjoy the picture, and stay tuned for more, the way forward...