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...discipline is a habit of taking consistent action,
until one can perform with
...unconscious competence


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Speed Camera Database is the most accurate and up-to-date database of all stationary red light and speed cameras for Europe.

The SCDB Vans are on the road around all of the Europe, including Greece, covering more than 50,000 km each year!

The "SCDB" database is subject to constant change. Each day, new radar traps or changes are registered. All these fully checked and categorized by country. Currently, the following traffic control devices are included in the database:

· Newly installed speed cameras

· Moved or removed speed cameras

· Speed camera with type change; e.g. change of speed triggering threshold

· Speed camera with a change of orientation; e.g. a speed camera now checking both directions

Every traffic control device, is downloaded onto your GPS receiver, as a “POI” (Point of Interest).  This is a kind of “waypoint” which may be easily located, or even your GPS may be programmed to alarm you, upon entering a “proximity” radius.    Really cool!

There is only a small, inexpensive annual subscription required, and –of course– a compatible GPS device.  Below is a snapshot from SCDB site showing the famous “Petalo tou Maliakou” in Greece, with all the cameras (effective at the time of this page write-up, i.e. Aug.26th, 2006).