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...discipline is a habit of taking consistent action,
until one can perform with
...unconscious competence


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Text Box: Commence, ...depart,, ...get yourself in a journey…
“...raw experience is empty, just as empty as the forecastle of a whaler, as in the chamber of a counting-house;  it is not what one does, but in a manifold sense, what one realizes, that keeps existence from being vain and trivial.  Mankind moves in worlds not realized.  Ages hence people may realize more keenly what has happened today than our contemporaries do.  It is the artist, the knower, the sayer, who realizes human experience, who takes the raw lump of ore we finding nature, smelts it, refines it, assays it, and stamps it into coins that can pass from hand to hand and make every man who touches them richer.”
Text Box: Lewis Mumford